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Taiga is Naru’s father and is a Master BeyTrainer and was one of the first people to make Turbo Beys. Aiger gets annoyed by her at times, but loves her nonetheless, and she loves him back. Naru also likes to keep Aiger up to date on the latest news about Beyblade. Naru is always supporting Aiger and is always keeping a watch on him to see what he is up to. Naru is usually seen wearing a gold bracelet, which is her wrist accessory. Her shirt is a short-sleeved dress shirt, and she wears dark and light-blue pinstriped trousers with dark blue pockets held up with dark blue suspenders, which she pins an ‘N’ badge onto. She wears a white cotton beanie with a blue cotton ball on top and a white and blue striped border. Naru has aqua blue eyes and short aqua blue hair. Naru occasionally likes to tease her brother, albeit in a friendly manner. Despite her young age, she is very responsible and independent, as she was able to take care of herself and stayed in an academy room alone, while Aiger slept in a tent in the Beigoma Academy school grounds. Naru is very supportive and always wants to be included in everything.

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